The Brief: to supply broadband to this property and make this accessible to several users.
The challenge: Nibley House is a large and lovely Grade II-listed property in unspoiled remote spot of England. It is, however, several miles from the nearest BT exchange and with a limited number of phone lines onto the property. Much of the cabling in the house was pre-WWII, originality had to be preserved, and many walls are several feet thick (making wireless connectivity difficult or impossible).
The Results:
The brief: to allow a client to go to China while remaining in full touch with his office and emails.
The challenge: our client used a Blackberry with email and Blackberry Enterprise.. In China, though, you cannot access email on a Blackberry, so he had to look for a 3G blackberry. Unfortunately, the Blackberry can't display Chinese characters so they all showed as black boxes.
The results: Richard of 3RNet talked him through the process while the client was out in China.